ZINASU Demands The Immediate Release Of Student Leader From Prison

ZINASU Demands The Immediate Release Of Student Leader From Prison
ZINASU Demands The Immediate Release Of Student Leader From Prison

Africa-PressZimbabwe. Full statement by Zimbabwe National Students Union (ZINASU) spokesman Donald Tatenda Marevanhema on the continued pre-trial detention of student leader Alan Moyo.

It is with great disappointment that we have received news that the high court has denied granting our fellow student leader Alan Moyo bail stating that his grounds of appeal were defective therefore bail was denied.

As a union, we would like to express our great displeasure over the ways in which the judiciary system is handling Alan Moyo’s case particularly the state prosecutors and judges.

It is important to note that justice delayed is no difference to justice denied, we are highly compelled by the fact that the state continues to take pleasure in holding Alan Moyo in the dungeons of terror despite the fact he hasn’t been proven guilty in any way.

Alan was and is still under arrest for simply demanding a better Zimbabwe, where the basic human fundamental rights are upheld, in the same context we are of opinion that the citizens’ demand for better quality life and democracy, is a demonstration that democracy cannot be viewed as only limited to elections and the exercise of civil and political rights.

Equally important is the quality of representation, better quality of life for citizens including respect for and protection of the totality of human rights.

We have spoken and we still speak, our position is the same we demand the immediate release of Alan Moyo from prison, unless or otherwise we are not to be heard we shall pursue other forms of engagement until justice is served and Alan experiences freedom.

ZINASU remains firmly determined in pursuing the vision of an inclusive and democratic Zimbabwe with students as integral stakeholders where students concerns are addressed and academic freedom upheld


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