2 Gokwe Mine Robbing Mashurugwi Jailed For 5 Years


2 Machete-Wielding(Mashurugwi) gang members have been slapped with 5-year jail terms for robbing a mine In Gokwe and getting away with US $1500 in January, The Chronicle reports.

Tariro Marongwe and Livingstone Gent were convicted whilst 7 of their colleagues were acquited with one member of the gang still on the run, according to the publication.

It is the state’s case that:

  • On January 6 this year, around 7pm, the accused persons drove to Mum’s Gold Mine in a black Toyota Wish.Marongwe and Gent together with Ocean, picked 3 sacks which contained gold ore and attempted to walk away.

    Mine supervisor Cain Mavhimira and security officer Christopher Masokwa spotted them and tried to stop the accused persons. Gent produced a machete threatening to kill anyone who stood in their way.

    Ocean and Marongwe proceeded to the car where they loaded their loot before the ten accused who were acting in common purpose drove off with the ore


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