Bottom-placed Chiefs not intimidated by CAPS United


Bulawayo Chiefs coach Thulani Sibanda says they are not intimidated by Caps United’s position on the log.

The two sides are meeting this afternoon with Chiefs at the bottom of the table while the Green Machine is on the top with 37 points.

According to NewsDay, Sibanda said: “We might be at the bottom of the log and Caps United at the top, but we are not intimidated at all.

“Their position does not intimidate us. Our chances of us surviving relegation are descent if you look at the points tally of the teams in the bottom eight of the log.

“We have knocks here and there from the congested fixture, but we will try and give it our best shot against Caps United.”

The match is scheduled for Luveve Stadium and kick-off is at 3 pm.


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