GMAZ Clears Member Firm From Unethical Practice Claims


The Grain Millers Association of Zimbabwe (GMAZ) has cleared one of its member firms, Blue-Ram Milling Company of any wrongdoing following accusations of unethical practices by the grain processor.

Over the weekend, social media was awash with reports that Blue-Ram milling company owned by the GMAZ deputy national chair, Masimba Dzomba was selling substandard products to consumers.

One of the pictures that circulated included a 10 kg roller meal branded Blue-Ram which weighed just above 9 kilogrammes when placed on a scale while another 5kg bag had contents weighing 4.6 kilogrammes.

In a statement, GMAZ spokesperson Garikai Chaunza described the social media reports as false and malicious.

“The document circulating on social media attacking his person (Dzomba) is simply false and malicious. Mr. Dzomba’s business acumen is beyond reproach.

“GMAZ, in this regard maintains that the policing and monitoring of weights of products in this country is the sole responsibility of the Trade Measures Board, a creature of statute, established under the Trade Measures Act.

“Any aggrieved consumer, competitor, or rival must report any suspected cases to this Board,” said Chaunza.

The GMAZ spokesperson accused some unnamed people of trying to soil the name of the GMAZ’s first vice national chairman.

“It is unfortunate, however that despite this, there are roaming demons that are consumed with jealousy bent on tarnishing Mr Dzomba’s good work,” claimed Chaunza.


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