Govt Appoints Zisco CEO, Board Members FacebookTwitterWhatsAppFlipboardLinkedInRedditEmailShare


Industry and Commerce Minister Dr Sekai Nzenza, has appointed additional members to the Zimbabwe Iron and Steel Company (Zisco).

She also appointed an acting chief executive officer as Government moves to revive the company.

In a statement on the new appointments yesterday, Dr Nzenza said the resuscitation of Zisco remained of paramount importance considering its pivotal role in the mining and manufacturing sectors.

“In view of that, the Minister is focused on best practice and good governance and has therefore included a diversity of skills to contribute to the strategic direction and transformation of Zisco Steel into a formidable player in the mining sector,” she said.

The additional board members are Engineer Martin Manhuwa, Mr Demand Gwatinetsa and Mr Edmore Tafirenyika, while Dr Farai Karonga has been appointed acting chief executive officer.

Dr Karonga is an accomplished mining engineer with vast technical experience in the mining industry having served institutions like RioZim, the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation (ZMDC) and the University of Zimbabwe.

He holds a master’s degree and a doctorate in Mining Engineering.

Mr Gwatinetsa, an appointee to the board, is an expert in mining engineering, who holds a MSc in Engineering, MSc in Business Administration and MSc in Geology.

Another appointee to the board, Mr Tafirenyika, is serving at Mimosa Mining Company with experience in strategic management of mining institutions.

He has previously worked as a finance and administration manager at Zimasco’s Smelting Division. Mr Tafirenyika holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) Degree in Accounting and an MSc in Business Administration.

Engineer Manhuwa is currently the managing consultant of Zimbabwe Africa Infrastructure Development Group (ZAIDG), a consortium of consulting firms and an MD of Industrial Energy Solutions. He holds a Bachelor of Technology in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Honours) and a Master of Business Administration.

They join other board members who include Professor Gift Mugano, Mrs Constance Zhanje, Mrs Mabel Buzuzi, Ms Sheilah Sidambe and Mr Timothy Phiri.


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