Kazembe using police to fight his Mash Central political battles


Africa Press-Nigeria:

Zimbabwean politician Jealous Mawarire has sensationally accused Home Affairs minister Kazembe Kazembe of abusing the police in fighting political battles.

Mawarire’s claim comes after two National Patriotic Front members Dickson Mafios and Wonder Mashange were arrested this afternoon after returning from neighbouring South Africa.

“The arrest of 2 NPF officials from Mash Central where Kazembe hails from is a clear testimony the Minister is using the police to fight political battles. We condemn abuse of power, the security agents & courts. This war the regime started will not end well,” Mawarire said via Twitter.

Their arrest comes a day after Kazembe announced that the police will do a crackdown on Saviour Kasukuwere, Job Sikhala, Apostle Talent Chiwenga and other forces deemed hostile to the Harare administration.


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