MDC denies hand in mayhem


MDC national organising secretary Amos Chibaya has rubbished government claims that the opposition party was behind the current protests sparked by last week’s steep fuel price hikes.

“Here in Gweru, I saw very senior Zanu PF officials and activists protesting as well. I am the organising secretary of MDC and all programmes come from my office. I never sanctioned these protests at all; that is why I am here at home. Our own programmes will come,” Chibaya said.

“The government must simply listen to the message being delivered to it by its people instead of laying blame on the MDC. We are saddened by the people who have already been shot and killed by the State security agents. The regime has been cornered. It’s a complete humiliation for the so-called new republic.

“The MDC is a peaceful party, that is why no retribution on people who have stolen elections has been witnessed. No matter how far and extreme the party has been stretched, it has remained calm. We never instructed our supporters to be violent at all. However, the citizens are just angry with the failed regime.”

Chibaya said he did not activate the so-called Vanguard or the Democratic Resistance Committee as claimed by State security minister Owen Ncube.
“I am not aware of any co-ordination for these protests. What is clear is the long-suffering of Zimbabweans. President (Emmerson) Mnangagwa must address the burning nation and end his shameless globetrotting,” he said.

Zanu PF spokesperson Ambassador Simon Khaya Moyo declined to comment on the matter.

“No comment. He should report what he knows to the police,” Khaya Moyo said.

Zanu PF Midlands provincial spokesperson Cornelius Mpereri said: “Those reports that our members of Zanu PF took part in the protests are all hogwash.”


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