Mnangagwa goes all out war on G40

[email protected]

HARARE – President and First Secretary of Zanu PF Emmerson Mnangagwa on Monday read the riot act to the Zanu PF provincial executive members and urged them to root out G40 elements in the forthcoming District Coordinating Committee (DCC) and primary elections.

This comes on the backdrop of the on-going vetting of prospective candidates eyeing the DCC positions.

Mnangagwa, on Monday told the provincial executive to make sure that no G40 elements infiltrate the party structures.

Mnangagwa convened a special meeting with provincial executive members, comprising youths, women and war veterans’ wings, where he warned leaders against manipulating the party constitution by imposing preferred candidates through vote buying and the use of the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) voters’ roll in conducting primary and DCC elections.

“The president informed the provincial chairpersons to make sure that the structures are not infiltrated by G40 elements,” said the source who attended the meeting.

“There are reports that G40 proponents such as the exiled former political commissar Saviour Kasukuwere still has interests in the structures and is backing some individuals.”

Insiders told the Zim Morning Post that candidates submitted their curriculum vitaes (CVs) to their provincial headquarters for vetting.

“The CVs were submitted and there is serious security vetting taking place,” said the source.

“Any candidate with a tainted history of having been associated with G40 is automatically disqualified,” said the source.



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