Nurses To Avoid COVID-19 Patients Until They Get PPEs


The Zimbabwe Nurses Association (ZINA) has warned its members against treating patients suspected of having COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus until authorities provide them with adequate personal protective equipment (PPEs).

ZINA president Enock Dongo on Monday told the Daily News that nurses won’t go on strike but will not work until they get PPEs. Said Dongo:

We are still facing serious shortages of PPEs in hospitals and clinics. We are saying to nurses, don’t treat patients if you don’t have enough PPEs.

Some clinics do not even have masks. We urge the government to be serious on the issue of PPEs. Enough PPEs will motivate health workers.

We are not going on strike but we are saying if we don’t have PPEs we are not going to work.

Dongo added that there are nurses in rural areas who are not equipped to deal with coronavirus patients and are in the dark on how to deal with the disease.

The $1 500 per month risk allowance being given to nurses is inadequate, and should be reviewed upwards Dongo asserted.


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