Parirenyatwa Hospital admitted malaria patient tests positive for Covid-19


A male patient who was admitted for malaria treatment at Parirenyatwa Hospital has tested positive to Covid-19.

This was confirmed Tuesday by the government hospitals.

The patient, who is still at the health institution, has been put into isolation in his room with all health workers who had contact with him also put on quarantine to avoid spread of the contagion.

Parirenyatwa Hospital issued a statement regarding the case which was discovered through mandatory testing of frontline staff and admitted patients.

“A Covid-19 positive case which had been admitted for management of slide positive malaria on 24 April, 2020 was identified at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals,” read part of Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals statement.

According to the Hospital, the patient had responded well to the malaria treatment and was due for discharge.

“As management, we have since activated the Covid-19 Rapid Response Team and we are taking measures for continued isolation of the confirmed case in his private room while awaiting discharge formalities and recovery at home where he will be followed up on.

“Giving psychological support to the exposed staff which will be counselled, tested and managed accordingly. The Hospital ward will be decontaminated in accordance with national guidelines,” the Hospital stated.


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