Traditional leaders must report cases of returnees-Min Mutsvangwa


GOVERNMENT has rallied traditional leaders to report cases of returnees in their communities who are evading quarantine measures that have been put in place to combat the spread of COVID-19.
The Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Senator Monica Mutsvangwa says Zimbabweans must accept the reality of COVID-19 and adhere to precautionary measures until the pandemic has been contained.

Addressing members of Mashonaland West COVID-19 provincial taskforce in Chinhoyi this Sunday, Senator Mutsvangwa emphasised the need for communities and traditional leaders to report cases of returnees who may have escaped from quarantine centres.
This follows reports that four people escaped from a Covid-19 quarantine centre in Chinhoyi, where five positive cases have been confirmed.

“Traditional leaders should assist and work together with law enforcement agents by providing information on returnees who may have escaped from quarantine centres,” she said.

Minister Mutsvangwa also spoke on the roadmap to the opening of schools and the role of education institutions in the fight against COVID-19.

“Schools will be open when the conditions are right. The minister of primary and secondary education is consulting stakeholders on the issue. We want to find a way that ensures no child is deprived of their right to education…We want universities to produce PPEs so that we cut on imports,” she said.

The Minister of State for Mashonaland West Provincial Affairs, Honourable Mary Mliswa warned against the breach of COVID-19 protocols in the province, while the Provincial Medical Director, Wenceslas Nyamayaro gave an update on the positive cases recorded in the province.

“We have challenges with returning citizens taking the law into their own hands by leaving quarantine centres before being tested. Prior to addressing the Provincial taskforce, Minister Mutsvangwa took on a tour of Chinhoyi Provincial hospital where she was shown around the Intensive care unit, and the laboratory housing the gene expert machine used for polymerase chain reaction tests,” they said.
The minister implored the province to ensure it has at least one fully equipped hospital to take care of critical COVID-19 cases.


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