Zanu PF factions: Mliswa turns guns on Wadyajena


Norton Member of Parliament Temba Mliswa has urged Gokwe-Nembudziya MP Justice Mayor Wadyajena to recuse himself from Chairing the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Agriculture because he is being accused of using the position to fight internal ZANU PF wars.
Posting a Tweeter thread on Sunday Mliswa said, “This letter forms basis enough for Justice Mayor Wadyajena to recuse himself. The Committee has a number of competent members to Chair in his place. It’s concerning however the number of assertions against him. I’ve made my own with regards his conflict with Kuda Tagwirei.

“In order to mitigate MPs possibly using positions in Parly Committees to settle scores or for selfish gain a rotational system should be implemented. Parly must be above corruption. Precedence has been set, the Committees aren’t about individuals but the institution

“This is the same MP (Wadyajena) who’s yet to account for his source of income in purchasing trucks & a Lamborghini or for the requisite duty. However, we have those like Ginimbi Genius Kadungure in jail for the same. Why is it different strokes for different folks?”

Information coming from parliament indicates that ZANU PF and MDC legislators have asked that Wadyajena recuse himself from the committee chairmanship as he has proven to have a visible conflict of interest in most matters before the Committee.

A ZANU PF MP who spoke to this reporter on Sartuday said: “The way the current Chair has handled COMMAND Agriculture issues and in particular, the FSG matter and the GMAZ issue prove that the Honorable member is too emotionally invested and he has conflict of interest as a player in the logistics sector, the chairman, therefore, cannot exercise his duties without favor or prejudice as he has personal interests.”

Some MDC MPs are reportedly lobbying for the young Joanna Mamombe to replace Wadyajena in the agriculture committee while ZANU PF MPs are lobbying for Campion Mugwenhi to take over.


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