JMPLA in Uíge recommends strengthening housing construction policies

JMPLA in Uíge recommends strengthening housing construction policies
JMPLA in Uíge recommends strengthening housing construction policies

Africa-Press – Angola. Participants in the 10th Ordinary Meeting of the JMPLA Provincial Committee in Uíge recommended, this Saturday, the reinforcement of housing construction policies for youth, preservation of the environment and investment in social well-being.

At the meeting, the JMPLA Provincial Committee in Uíge also recommended compliance with the deliberations issued at the organization’s IX Ordinary Meeting, the active participation of delegates in the tasks of the ninth Ordinary Congress, an activity that will be held from the 20th to the 24th of November this year , in the country’s capital.

The Provincial Committee also approved the regulations and functioning of the preparatory committee for the IX Ordinary Provincial assembly and the balance and renewal of mandates of the JMPLA, the regulations for the assemblies of the JMPLA’s intermediate structures.

During the meeting, members approved the report on activities carried out during the first four months of 2024, as well as the statistical report on the growth of the organization’s social base.

The meeting was attended by the deputy coordinator of the monitoring group of the JMPLA National Secretariat for the province of Uíge, Gaspar Sebastião, who highlighted the total engagement of the activists in the activities of the IX Congress of the JMPLA.

JMPLA in Uíge trains staff on the organic process of the IX Ordinary Congress

Three hundred and 11 JMPLA staff and leaders, in the province of Uíge, participated, in the municipality of Púri, in the training seminar on the organic process of the IX JMPLA Congress.

The training action, promoted by the JMPLA provincial secretariat, covered the operating regulations of the provincial preparatory commission for the X provincial assembly for review and renewal of mandates, operating regulations for the assemblies of JMPLA base organizations and other topics.

At the opening of the training, the first acting secretary of the MPLA Provincial Committee in Uíge, Albertina Cugingamoco, said that the seminar aims to strengthen the youth organization’s staff, so that they are better prepared at the IX Ordinary Congress.

Albertina Cugingamoco also called on JMPLA staff to continue mobilizing new activists, facing the challenges of the present and the future.

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