ENNA-EP at Cuando Cubango invests in staff training

ENNA-EP at Cuando Cubango invests in staff training
ENNA-EP at Cuando Cubango invests in staff training

Africa-Press – Angola. The new provincial delegate of the National Air Navigation Company “ENNA-EP” in Cuando Cubango, José Augusto Tchissonde Mame, outlined this Monday, in Menongue, as a priority the training of staff, in order to provide quality service to the public.

José Augusto Tchissonde made this statement during the event that marked his presentation, to the governor of the province of Cuando Cubango, José Martins, replacing the then ENNA-EP delegate in this province, António Zangabi.

The new delegate also highlighted the priority lines of continuing to secure aircraft that provide public services in his area of ​​jurisdiction, as well as working towards the formation of human capital in the sector.

The person in charge highlighted that the training of human capital aims to guarantee better safety in the national and international air system, in ways to guarantee the safety of aircraft, identifying them among themselves, through the application of conventional air traffic control methods and procedures. or by radar.

For his part, the Executive Administrator of ENNA-EP, José Gonçalves, said that the newly appointed person will have the role of looking after and overseeing the air navigation process system installed in the main municipalities of Menongue and Cuito Cuanavale, in which he supports two international routes, with Europe and Botswana.

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