FIB 2024 starts with an increase in the number of exhibitors

FIB 2024 starts with an increase in the number of exhibitors
FIB 2024 starts with an increase in the number of exhibitors

Africa-Press – Angola. The thirteenth edition of the Benguela International Fair (FIB) kicked off this Wednesday with an increase of around 15 percent in the number of exhibitors, according to the organization.

Speaking at the opening of the event, taking place from the 22nd to the 26th of May at the Ombaka National Stadium, the president of the Board of Directors of the Eventos Arena group, Bruno Albernaz, highlighted that this growth compared to the last edition exceeded the organization’s expectations.

According to the person responsible, with an area of ​​approximately 12 thousand square meters, FIB 2024 has around 393 direct and indirect participations.

Among the sectors that stand out the most, Bruno Albernaz cited industry, commerce, distribution, communication and marketing, civil construction, education, banking, insurance services, energy and water, some of which come from Benguela.

For the Events Arena PCA, the 13th edition of the Benguela International Fair marks a moment of celebration and opportunities, guided by the inspiring motto “Dynamizing Potentials to Transform the Economy”.

“We look at this edition of FIB and it is impossible not to highlight the main production sectors that drive the economy of the Central – South Region”, he noted, highlighting agriculture, industry, tourism, fishing and land and air communication routes as a lever for development regional.

On the other hand, he considers the ten municipalities in the province of Benguela to be “true treasures” of this region’s potential.

And more than ever, he said: “we are aware of the crucial role they play as an essential logistics platform for national distribution, connecting our country to the world in an efficient and effective way.”

He took the opportunity to thank the Provincial Government of Benguela for its support and commitment to promoting economic and business development in the region.

During the event, conferences and workshops will be held, with a view to future business and partnerships between exhibitors.

Regarded as the largest business showcase in the Center-South region, FIB aims to promote the economic and industrial potential of the Southern region of Angola, with the aim of attracting investments for the development of the logistics chain and creating a good business environment.

In this edition, companies in the province of Benguela benefited from a 50 percent discount on the occupancy costs of the pavilions (1, 2, 3 and 4).

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