Flas Ndombe returns to the spotlight with a historical-political essay

Flas Ndombe returns to the spotlight with a historical-political essay
Flas Ndombe returns to the spotlight with a historical-political essay

Africa-Press – Angola. The writer and poet Flas Ndombe, literary pseudonym of Fernando Luís de Azevedo e Silva, returns to the spotlight with the launch of the historical-political essay, entitled “From the emergence of modern Angolan nationalism to the murder of Viriato da Cruz”, taking place in Luanda , on Saturday at 17:00, in the African National League.

The historical-political essay, which appears in the literary market after Flas Ndombe’s last work, entitled “O Violador de Cadáveres”, in 2009, will be presented in Lisbon, on the 15th of July at 18:00, at Chiado, at Livraria Ler and write.

The 295-page book is an edition of the prestigious and secular publishing house “Partnership AM Pereira”, which has already edited his previous work, which has reached the 3rd edition.

The work, after addressing the birth of modern Angolan nationalism, which was a phenomenon after 1945, makes an incursion into the emergence of pamphleteering organizations in the 50s of the last century, without neglecting the mediatic process of the fifties, which incited the revolts January 4th, February 4th and March 15th.

Regarding the 4th of February, the writer maintains a debate with the other authors regarding his paternity, without forgetting to place the 15th of March in Angolan political history.

The author addresses in depth “The 1962-63 crisis within the MPLA”, and the removal of Viriato da Cruz and his subsequent integration into the FNLA and his departure to China where he died on June 13, 1973, under mysterious circumstances. .

Flas Ndombe is the author of the works: “Diluted laughs” (poems, 1994); “Erotic Postal” (poems, 1995); “Praphrasing Christ” (poems, 2002); “A Tara do Matondo & Outros Contos” (stories, 2005); “O Magia Lixívia” (novel, 2006); “Massoxi, the imposing” (stories 2007); “Kumenguena Kimbi, the violator of corpses” (stories, 2009) and also from the academic work entitled “Copyright and Civil Liability”.

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