General Elections: Observers “impressed” by the smoothness of the process

General Elections: Observers “impressed” by the smoothness of the process
General Elections: Observers “impressed” by the smoothness of the process

Africa-Press – Angola. The observers of missions from international organizations, the European Union (EU), SADC, CPLA and African Union were satisfied, this Monday, with the legal and preparatory conditions, at all levels, for carrying out the election, that takes place tomorrow, in the country and in the diaspora.

The secretary general of the Socialist International, Luís Ayala, said he was “impressed by the way Angola has taken up the challenge of democracy, in a process that involves the participation of all political forces, including men and women”.

Luís Ayala said that the process presents a sense of trust, which, in his opinion, is very important in the elections because they indicate a fair path. “We are impressed with the way in which the whole process was conducted, from the attitude, maturity and responsibility, as well as the enthusiasm of the women and men who participate in Angola’s political life”, stressed the politician.

The secretary general of Internacional Solista expressed his position at the end of a meeting with the leader of the MPLA and candidate for President of the Republic, João Lourenço, at the party’s headquarters. For his part, the former President of Mozambique, Joaquim Chissano, appealed to the people to vote en masse and to exercise their right so that the “party” is real and encompassing the entire Angolan nation.

“May everyone participate in the elections for the strengthening of democracy, built at the cost of a lot of sacrifice, since the time of fascism”, he insisted on taking as resources times of great distress for the peoples of the world. “We fought against fascism and dictatorship and colonialism to build democracy, and it was not a single party to achieve this important good”, underlined the politician.

“We started to fight against fascism and dictatorship for democracy and the participation of all the people. Angolans must participate in the elections, to demonstrate that they really want a participatory democracy, not just a representative one”, he stressed.

The vote, he reinforced, is very important for the construction of this country. For the election that takes place tomorrow, the former President of Mozambique said that, from the little he has seen, he gives him hope that it will be a great election, taking place in a peaceful and orderly environment.

Tomás Salomão, individual observer, from Mozambique, said that the entire preparatory process that he had the opportunity to verify is adequate and corresponds to the laws and observation lines issued by the African Union and regional organizations such as SADC.

He added that he had already observed other elections in the country, but the most important thing is that tomorrow Angolans will go to the polls to make their choices in a conscious and mature way, so that they continue the construction process “of this great democratic building, which is called Angola “.

The individual observer said that this challenge, by the way the biggest, is in the hands of the Angolans. “After that, the process of counting and publishing the results by the National Electoral Commission follows”, he emphasized, adding that “at this point there are no winners or losers, because the Angolan democracy wins”.

The important thing, he continued, is that the democratic process and that of the construction and reconstruction of Angola are not interrupted. Tomás Salomão, who previously held the role of executive secretary of SADC, highlighted the peaceful way in which citizens, including the parties themselves, express their will and points of view, even when they disagree on some aspects. “This means that Angolan democracy is growing, because there is freedom to do so”, he concluded.

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