MPLA wants youth committed to the well-being of society

MPLA wants youth committed to the well-being of society
MPLA wants youth committed to the well-being of society

Africa-Press – Angola. The second secretary of the MPLA in the province of Huambo, Adérito Chimuco, this Friday urged youth to invest in actions to build a better society, fair for all children of the country.

The politician was speaking at the opening of the review and mandate renewal assemblies of JMPLA’s base organizations, as part of the Organic Process of the XI Ordinary Congress of the MPLA’s youth branch, taking place under the motto “JMPLA for the Fatherland and at the service of the youth”.

Adérito Chimuco highlighted that the act carried out in the village of Caienje/ Chipipa, municipality of Huambo, JMPLA activists, in general, need to continue fighting and working in an urban way with the base structures, as well as joining the efforts of the party aligned with the sustainable development of communities.

He said that the work for the construction and development of all communities in the country begins, essentially, with “small and noble” gestures such as obedience to parents and guardians, love for the country, preservation of peace, national reconciliation and abandonment of less urban acts.

The supporter thus pointed out the agriculture and livestock sector as one of those that should deserve greater involvement and engagement from youth in rural areas and beyond, in favor of supporting families and local development.

To this end, he added, youth engagement is needed to invest in activities that help develop villages, communes and cities, within the principles and responsibility of the MPLA, aligned with improving the living conditions of Angolans.

In turn, the 2nd secretary of JMPLA in the province of Huambo, Rufino Evaristo Mutaka, called for the involvement of activists in the process of renewing the mandate of the organization’s grassroots organizations, as it constitutes a priority for good performance by youth in the communities.

He made it known that, among several issues, the process of renewing mandates aims to exercise internal democracy, in observance of freedom of discussion of ideas, as well as reflection on the current state of the organization and functioning of the youth arm of the MPLA, how many there are, where they are and what they do.

JMPLA is a social organization of the MPLA party (in power in Angola) that unequivocally follows the ideology of the group, with a focus on mobilizing and joining more young people from various social strata, to advocate exemplary conduct in favor of the well-being of Angolans.

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