Responsible highlights quality control of consumer goods at the Santa Clara border

Responsible highlights quality control of consumer goods at the Santa Clara border
Responsible highlights quality control of consumer goods at the Santa Clara border

Africa-Press – Angola. The head of the agri-food laboratory in Santa Clara, in the province of Cunene, Aritilde Sakelo, guaranteed that there was efficiency in controlling the quality of consumer goods at the local border post, with the products analyzed, in the first quarter of this year, corresponding to the standards.

He said that, since 2018 (date of its entry into operation), the laboratory’s activity has ensured the quality of goods imported and exported, via land, through this location that connects Angola to Namibia.

“All products that enter through the Santa Clara border post are tested in this laboratory, capable and recognized, for a compliant consumer market and with the necessary quality”, he said, citing, among others, food, beverages, fertilizers and seeds imported from South Africa and Namibia.

He made it known that in the first quarter, 131 samples of various products were processed, with values ​​ranging from 26 to 100 thousand kwanzas, which made it possible to raise 7 million and 400 thousand kwanzas for the State coffers.

The agri-food laboratory, owned by the Ministry of Agriculture, in the border area of ​​Santa Clara, is 45 kilometers from the center of the city of Ondjiva, capital of Cunene.

The province shares 460 kilometers of border with the Republic of Namibia, of which 340 are land and 120 are river, and the Santa Clara post is one of those with the highest volume of trade in the country.

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