By: Leonardo Quarenta, Post-Doc Researcher
Africa-Press – Angola. To speak of State intelligence is to refer to a diverse context and structure of data processing, collection and analysis, that is, a series of confidential information and files, which serve as a basis for making tactical, strategic or project-related military operational decisions, on issues related to State policy programs or government results.
Recently, the number of double agents in Angola has increased significantly, which is why there is a need to urgently create what I call a “Strategic Counter-Intelligence Force”, to gradually dismantle these agents with “unconfessed and adverse” agendas against our State.
A thorough, discreet and widespread cleansing of our defense and security agencies is necessary. In the current African regional situation, what gives the Angolan government an advantage, to a certain extent, is the fact that we do not have tensions or military crises with any state in the region. But if we did, we would be in imminent complex situations, because given the flow of leaks of confidential information, this would place our national security (particularly our military security) in an unprecedented state of threat. In the event of war, we would have tactical and strategic disadvantages on the battlefield in favor of our enemies, because they would be one step ahead of our own operations.
As National Security Advisor and as a patriot, I suggest that our defense and security agencies create three top-secret departments:
1) Ad hoc Strategic Counterintelligence Department (for completely political-military purposes, consisting of figures and special agents of the highest level of knowledge in the field of State Intelligence, otherwise such a Department will be useless and in the end there will be no results at all);
2) Ad hoc Strategic Diplomatic Intelligence Department (aimed at identifying external enemies, who act in the shadows in collaboration with internal forces or undercover and infiltrated agents, who have diverse and adverse interests against our Country);
3) Department of Multisectoral and Multifunctional Strategic Intelligence ad hoc (this Department would act in a generalized manner at the level of State Intelligence in all fields and sectors, always for specific issues of extreme importance in guaranteeing the security and stability of the State).
If I wanted, I could spend all my time here talking about other types of strategies and forms of State Intelligence, which would help to quickly find various double agents and infiltrated agents within our State system, but professionally, in the field of Security, we have strict rules to follow, and intelligence strategies are not exposed on news portals, the masses do not have the right to this type of information, even among senior military and intelligence agents and officers, a certain level of access is required to know certain information. However, the implementation of the above-mentioned departments, if acted in a functional, effective, efficient, pragmatic, strategic and top-secret manner, could bring many relevant results, otherwise, the leaks of hundreds and hundreds of confidential files about our State will continue to flow.
Angola’s military security is at stake, as is the security of state institutions as a whole… foreign diplomats working in our country have been constantly collecting information about our government. Many of these diplomats are members of an international organization of scholars and researchers on Defense and Security (State Intelligence), of which I am a member as a senior political-military scholar. High-level members have access to various types of security reports. The last meeting of 2024 will take place in December, and a general assessment of regional and international security will be made. I will be particularly concerned with Africa: regional security. On this issue, I must be 100% honest: many Western agents and others working in Africa have been very useful, because without them it would be almost impossible to have access to certain classified security reports and certain information considered “strategic”.
These diplomats as well as other foreign agents disguised as businessmen (investors) who operate in Angola and on the continent are meticulous, highly discreet, reserved, intelligent, qualified, professional and competent in this type of thing, better than them is almost impossible to find, they really know how to do their job properly. In addition, they have means, resources and technological instruments of the 6th generation, which even from their own embassies, consulates and homes can collect important information.
Managing African countries is different from managing Western countries. In the African reality, the dynamics are more demanding. In the West, even an average or not very qualified politician can succeed in a government or a ministry because there, they have strong institutions that have been consolidated for decades. Everything works there without the need for a strong leader in power, because it is the effectiveness of the state structure that makes the entire state machine work. But the African case is 100% different because our institutions are not strong, much less consolidated, which is why tensions, conflicts and coups d’état arise. In the African reality, it is extremely necessary to have strong leaders who can initiate the creation of strong institutions.
In the African reality, given its security complexities, the person who should occupy the positions of Head of State and Government or any other strategic State position should not simply be a “Politician” or simply a “Military”, but rather a Politician-Military, and this should not be an option but rather a “strategic obligation”. However, in Africa we are very far from this reality, with a few exceptions, the majority are neither politicians nor even military, in the authentic and pure sense.
A politician who does not understand military strategies, state intelligence or military security is not trustworthy for the position of President of the Republic. This type of candidate would be a problem for the State if the country were to plunge into tensions or military crises with other states or paramilitary groups. Likewise, a military man who does not have knowledge of state policies or who does not have a vision of the State (what I call a sense of the State) is also not trustworthy to be Head of State, because he does not have strategies for “State Management” and would never lead the country to a successful conclusion. We should trust “Political-Military Men” because they bring with them both aspects (Military Strategies, Defense and Security and State Vision – State Administration), because this is how the true management of State Power works.
The country’s defence and security bodies need strategic reforms… specific changes must be made, new intelligence personnel must be brought in, recruited and trained for the good of the State. In this regard, I know at least 500 Angolans (scattered around the world) who are very well trained in the area of security. In the last conversation I had with them (in September), I suggested that we jointly draw up a National Security Project (Security at all levels) for Angola’s benefit, a project of the highest level, something exclusive. I presented the parameters of the Project to them and they all agreed with the idea, but at the same time, the majority of them believe that the country does not deserve all our effort and knowledge because they do not value those who could really make a contribution to the State, and that it would all be a waste of time.
I could not disagree with them on this, because it is true, the State cannot even give a simple research grant to true intellectuals. I speak from personal experience. I had asked for a grant for a research project (still in progress). Everyone said no, some said yes, but in the end it came to nothing. That is how our country is. There is no sense of responsibility, but they end up giving 3 or 4 grants to a single family and friends. I have proof of this. When I have free time, I will write something about INAGBE. I promise. But in any case, despite the legitimate and rational lack of motivation of our brothers in wanting to participate in the Project, there will be another meeting on the same subject in November. If they accept, then I will coordinate the entire Project on Defense and Security.
Managing a state requires competence, responsibility, seriousness and strategies, otherwise it is a waste of time. You have to work with results. I am always focused on results. I am not interested in anything else. I have led organizations and associations with several hundred people (18 to 20 thousand people). At first, many of them criticized me for my rigidity and discipline, but in the end, they were the same ones who begged me to stay in charge. So, I was reappointed. It was like that for a long time. Why? Because I only work with results. I bring results. I am equal to results. That is all I care about. Otherwise, it is a waste of time. And those who know me know that I have no time for games. Why? Because my motto is “order, discipline and chain of command”, I work with well-defined strategic projects, and in the end the result is infallible, I do not admit strategic failures, and before being strict with others I am strict with myself, this is how a wise and highly competent leader should be, I like to combine political-military discipline with strict religious discipline… Most people do not understand what I am saying!
Ensuring national security is the State’s top priority. The complexity of regional, international and transnational terrorism is something we must be concerned about and be on alert about at all times, as terrorist organizations are powers parallel to governments and can have more power and financial resources than States, and this causes enormous problems for States, as everything is out of control.
The General Staff, together with the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of the Interior, SINSE, SIE, SISM, Civil and Military House, should urgently develop a broad strategic program of containment and readiness at all levels of our forces and State Security agents, to combat terrorism, external threats and double agents. It is in times of peace that threats are combated.
NB: Socil Marítima SA has announced that, starting in November, the price of a boat trip from Cabinda to Luanda and vice versa will be 40,000 KZ (80,000 KZ round trip); and from Cabinda to Soyo and vice versa will be 22,000 KZ (44,000 KZ round trip). This situation is worrying. I think we should investigate and minimize the cost for our brothers in Cabinda, to 7 to 10 thousand KZ per trip, for strategic reasons. I talk all the time about diplomacy and security (no one talks or writes about this better than me), and minimizing the problems in Cabinda is also synonymous with National Security. I will talk about this in more detail at another time. A few days ago I had lunch with a Mother from Cabinda, and she was explaining to me about the situation in Cabinda… not that I needed such explanations, as I have access to several security reports on African countries that most do not have, but the conversation with the Mother from Cabinda was friendly and calm, as she and I in the religious sense have the same education: the Catholic education, and I studied at the Vatican Universities, and I was President of the Religious Students for several years in Rome, as for that my CV and career are very clear.
However, as a political and military officer, the security of the State will always be my focus. I am concerned about this. At the same time, a political and military officer must be concerned about the strategic projects of the State in the field of economic and social development. Therefore, as much as my people in Cabinda call for autonomy, others call for independence. This is not what Cabinda really needs. What Cabinda needs is an “efficient Development Program”, that is: better living conditions, youth employment policies, family subsidies, access to social housing, schools and universities, and for the wealth of the Province (oil, timber, etc.) to be reflected in the lives of those people. This is what Cabinda needs. Regional autonomy and independence in African countries do not solve problems. On the contrary, they only increase chaos and disorder. I have written a lot about this. Just look at the situation in the African regions that have followed this path. The instability is 7 times greater.
And as a high-ranking figure in the field of security, my focus is to contribute to the security of the State. I do this all the time at zero cost. The country has never done anything for me. However, I am concerned about our security because I am a patriot. Based on various security reports, there are already several individuals in Angola linked to terrorist cells with plans in place to spread chaos in the region, and this includes Angola. Many of these terrorists and criminals enter the country because the immigration services and the border guard allow them in at a cost of a few cents. However, reforming and reformulating the strategies of the Ministry of the Interior is also a priority for the State. We will not ignore this, as this is also a matter of national security.
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