“The meeting should serve to revitalize the economic and commercial partnership outside the oil sector”

“The meeting should serve to revitalize the economic and commercial partnership outside the oil sector”
“The meeting should serve to revitalize the economic and commercial partnership outside the oil sector”

Africa-Press – Angola. The meeting between the Presidents of Angola, João Lourenço, and the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, should be used to revitalize the economic and commercial partnership between the two countries, with a view to attracting more non-oil private investments, he argued, yesterday, in Mbanza Kongo, province of Zaire, jurist and political scientist Ramos Toco Lona.

With a degree in Political and Legal Sciences and a master’s degree in Management, Toco Lona also defended that the meeting should also serve to provide an opportunity for national products to enter the American market.

“I consider the meeting to be advantageous because there will be a revitalization of the economic and commercial partnership, with a view to attracting more private investments outside the traditional domain of oil and gas exploration, specifically in the areas of Agriculture, Energy, new technologies, infrastructure and not only”, he stressed.

On the public front, according to Ramos Toco Lona, with today’s meeting at the White House, Angola could benefit from US investments to launch large structuring projects, as well as on the commercial side, see trade exchanges grow with the US and offer opportunities for products Angolans to have access to the American market within the scope of the trade agreement that the USA signed with many African countries. “The other advantage that could emerge from this meeting between the Angolan Government and the American Administration has to do with strengthening political and diplomatic cooperation, in which Angola will gain more credibility, as a strategic partner in matters of international security in this region of the world, because of its geo-strategic positioning, its military potential and experience in conflict resolution”, he added.

For the USA, the aforementioned meeting, as he highlighted, could be an opportunity to extend its diplomatic and cultural influence in Africa, where it has citizens of African origin, that is, Afro-descendants, whose interest is increasingly greater in rediscovering the continent of their ancestors. “The sectors that could be priorities in this new phase of relations between the two countries, in my opinion, are Agriculture, Renewable Energy, Telecommunications, Infrastructure and Finance, the latter to see the situation of the devaluation of the Kwanza”, he stressed. .

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