Twenty-one foreigners acquire Angolan nationality

Twenty-one foreigners acquire Angolan nationality
Twenty-one foreigners acquire Angolan nationality

Africa-Press – Angola. Twenty-one applicants seeking Angolan nationality by birth took the customary oath this Wednesday, in Luanda, which grants them the full right of national citizen.

During the ceremony, the new Angolans sang the National Anthem, swore loyalty and respect for the Constitution, as well as obeying and fulfilling the legislated obligations and duties.

The Law provides that foreign citizens who meet several requirements, with emphasis on being of majority, more than ten years of fixed residence and not having been convicted by a final judgment, obtain nationality by birth.

Nationality by naturalization is granted at the request of the interested party and through a process organized under the terms established by regulation.

On the occasion, the Minister of Justice, Marcy Lopes, welcomed the new Angolan citizens for the event, highlighting that membership implies not only a statistical increase, but that they now benefit from a set of rights and duties set out in the Constitution.

On the other hand, he mentioned that more than a hundred requests to obtain nationality based on place of birth were received at the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, without specifying periods.

He mentioned that it is a long list, evaluated by the committee responsible for choosing or rejecting the requests.

He clarified that the process is lengthy and it is up to the commission to investigate all documents that the law establishes for acquiring Angolan nationality, by natural origin.

“We must carry out a thorough analysis of the quality, suitability and history during the stay of each applicant, taking into account that they have not committed crimes or adopted conduct that harms the country”, he highlighted.

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