Africa-Press – Angola. The UNITA Parliamentary Group requested a hearing with the Minister of State and Chief of Staff of the President of the Republic, for clarification on the Presidential Order that authorizes the purchase of 600 buses worth 323 million and 500 thousand euros.
The information was provided this Thursday, at a press conference, by the fourth vice-president of the UNITA parliamentary group, Olívio Nkilumbo, stating that, to this end, he sent a letter to the office of the president of the National Assembly.
The Assembly’s Economy and Finance Committee held a hearing a few days ago with the Minister of Transport, Ricardo de Abreu, who provided clarifications to deputies on the subject.
As vice-president of the 5th Commission, deputy João Mpilamosi, from the MPLA, said that the deputies were satisfied with the explanations given by the Minister of Transport during the hearing.
In this regard, deputy Olívio Nkilumbo said that the aforementioned hearing does not respond to the request of the UNITA Parliamentary Group, “because it fits into a different logic and by law it is not the entity requested”.
He noted that his party is accurately aware of the scarcity of public transport means for the mobility of people and goods across the country, “but is apprehensive about the reiterated simplified contracting”.
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