VPR guides meeting on the country’s epidemiological situation

VPR guides meeting on the country's epidemiological situation
VPR guides meeting on the country's epidemiological situation

Africa-Press – Angola. The Vice-President of the Republic, Esperança da Costa, will chair the 2nd Ordinary Meeting of the National Commission for the Fight Against HIV/AIDS and Major Endemic Diseases (CNSLS-GE) on Monday in Luanda.

According to a press release, at the meeting, among other topics, the epidemiological situation, gains, actions, challenges and perspectives will be presented in light of the strategic plans on malaria, tuberculosis, trypanosomiasis, HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and other sexually transmitted infections.

Coordinated by the Vice-President, the CNLS-GE is responsible, among other responsibilities, for coordinating and guiding the entire fight policy, promoting the involvement of different partners, mobilizing the necessary resources and developing actions capable of improving knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the great endemic diseases that plague the country.

In the 1st ordinary session of the commission, held in 2023, members considered the Recommendations and Deliberations of the 3rd Meeting of the CNLS-GE, held on April 13, 2018, and the Summary of the main results and challenges of HIV/AIDS and Major Endemic Diseases, namely Malaria, Tuberculosis, Trypanosomiasis and HIV/AIDS.

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