Highlights of the global stability report [Business Africa]

Highlights of the global stability report [Business Africa]
Highlights of the global stability report [Business Africa]

Africa-Press – Botswana. https://www.africanews.com/2022/04/21/highlights-of-the-global-stability-report-business-africa/

– Global Financial Stability –

Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine coming on the heels of the pandemic has caused instability in the global economy. What is the state of the global financial system and markets? How are emerging markets like fintech being financed globally? What challenges and vulnerabilities could the rapid growth of fintech expose for financial stability in the world? These and many more questions are addressed in the latest Global Financial Stability Report?

– Zambia exports avocados to EU –

The healthy nature and multiple uses of avocados result in a strong consumer demand for avocados. The Product is expected to become the second-most traded major tropical fruit by 2030, after bananas. Zambia is ready to tap into that market as it joins the list of countries eligible to export these fruits to Europe.

– Uncontrollable Cement Price Increase –

There has been a consistent increase in the prices of cement. Nigeria has by far the largest cement industry in West Africa. In this report we look at the reason for the increase and the effect of the increase on other African countries ? We also explore how the increase is affecting ongoing construction and intended construction projects in Africa’s most populous nation.

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