Andrea Gonçalves: A sportswoman who inspires other women

Andrea Gonçalves: A sportswoman who inspires other women
Andrea Gonçalves: A sportswoman who inspires other women

Africa-Press – Cape verde. She started in handball, today she is in soccer refereeing and bodybuilding. Born in Maio, Andrea Gonçalves is a sportswoman and is proud of what she does, inspiring other women.

The taste for sports appears when she was a child, starting with handball, a modality in which she stood out among his colleagues, due to his commitment, dedication and physical structure. For pleasure, she ended up trying out the sport of football, having won some regional competitions and represented the island of Maio in other parts of the country.

So, she continued in sport and refereeing came as a drag, an activity in which he feels “at ease in a world that is practically dominated by men”, as she confessed to Inforpress.

In fact, she pointed out that she was the first woman referee to perform this role on the field on the island of Maio, although mostly as an assistant referee.

“I was welcomed from the first day by my colleagues, although on the bench people were not used to seeing a woman perform this role, but they accepted it with normality”, he declared. mother and sportsman

A mother and sportswoman, Andrea is currently a reference for girls who are inspired by her trajectory. It is in this sense that she has taken this opportunity to train more women in arbitration.

Andreia Gonçalves aims to represent the island’s trio in the men’s national football championship one day, to also show their potential, stressing that women also want to make their contribution to sport on the island, because, she summarized, “there is a strong of will, but it lacks a little incentive”.

Andreia Gonçalves also told the story of her entry into bodybuilding, specifically in the ‘powerlifting’ modality, motivated by the modality’s representative on the island, which she accepted, although with “some reluctance at the beginning”. However, as she reveals, it became a “unique experience”, as she was already attending the gym and had some experience.

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