Brava: Student Association members trained in combating violations of adolescents rights

Brava: Student Association members trained in combating violations of adolescents rights
Brava: Student Association members trained in combating violations of adolescents rights

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The members of the Eugénio Tavares High School Student Association received a training on 20th and 21st June to combat violations of adolescents rights.

According to the trainer Mileida Cabral, this training was organized by the Italian non-governmental organization Cospe and taught in partnership with the Cabo Verdean Institute of Children and Adolescents (ICCA), in which several concepts were addressed within the theme.

Among them, she listed the concept of violence, which is a violation of rights, what are the rights of children and adolescents, types of violence and characterization of each of them, warning signs presented by adolescents when some of the rights are violated, consequences and prevention so that their rights are not violated.

She also highlighted that the regulation was addressed, i.e. documents or legal instruments covering the rights of children and adolescents, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CDC) and the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (ECA).

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