Cabo Verde is in a good stage of tourism recovery, according to the Minister

Cabo Verde is in a good stage of tourism recovery, according to the Minister
Cabo Verde is in a good stage of tourism recovery, according to the Minister

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The Minister of Tourism, Carlos Santos, assured in Santo Antão that Cabo Verde is “in a good stage to relaunching” the tourist activity, stating that this summer brings “good hope” based on the information he already has.

“We are in a good stage to relaunching tourism. Summer brings us good hope for the numbers we’re having. There is, for example, the Portuguese market that, this summer, has already exceeded the summer of 2019 in terms of the sale of packages”, noted Carlos Santos.

The Minister, who began a five-day visit to Santo Antão on Monday, was talking about 50 transport operators (taxi and Hiace drivers) and tour guides following the training provided under the plan to resume tourism in Cabo Verde.

Another fact that is contributing to this “good stage” of tourism recovery in the country, pointed out by the Minister of Tourism, also has to do with the emergence of new markets, particularly in Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Romania) and also the fact that traditional markets (Germany, France) are beginning to show “good signals” in this recovery.

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