Cape Verde advances in climate governance with the CCDR, says minister

Cape Verde advances in climate governance with the CCDR, says minister
Cape Verde advances in climate governance with the CCDR, says minister

Africa-Press – Cape verde. Maritime security, combating piracy, human trafficking and responding to natural disasters are some of the main challenges for national defence, given the changes in the global scenario. Statements made today by the Minister of Defence, Janine Lélis, who presided over the central event of the celebrations of the 58th anniversary of the Armed Forces, in São Vicente.

The minister listed a series of measures already adopted to increase the effectiveness, motivation and ensure the readiness of the Armed Forces, but says that more needs to be done to keep up with the evolution of the concept of national defence.

“In fact, defence has come to include issues related to the maritime security needed to guarantee global supply chains, combating piracy, human trafficking, cyber defence and humanitarian aid, responding to natural disasters in the face of climate change, among others. All of these issues are included in our concerns, because the economy of our archipelago depends greatly on maritime trade and tourism”, she states.

To respond to the new challenges, the Minister of Defense expects to count on the operationalization of the Guardião ship, announced as “soon”, the arrival of an aircraft for the Coast Guard, the inclusion of drones in the operations of the Armed Forces and the training of military personnel in the field of surveillance.

The launch of a campaign on compulsory military service is one of the measures planned for this year.

“We need to ensure that the population feels part of the national security and defense process, and this is everyone’s mission. It is in this sense that I once again emphasize the campaign that we intend to launch this year in relation to compulsory military service, precisely to show: that it is worth fighting for the country; the benefits of a military career; and; to promote opportunities for professional training and training in academies”, she points out.

CEMFA warns of “low adherence to military service”

The low adherence of young people to military service, especially on the island of Santiago, is one of the biggest challenges that the military institution faces. This was stated by the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces, António Duarte Monteiro, who attended the ceremony.

“I could not fail to mention one of the biggest challenges that the institution is currently facing, linked to the low adherence of young people to military service, especially on the island of Santiago, which has brought difficulties in terms of completing the Armed Forces’ personnel. We are eagerly awaiting the results of the study commissioned by the Government, which will provide us with answers to the causes of this low level of participation and proposed solutions”, he said.

On the same occasion, CEMFA reaffirmed that the resumption of operations with the Guardião vessel is imminent, with the repair process having already begun.

The central event of the celebrations of the 58th anniversary of the Armed Forces, in São Vicente, was also marked by the decoration of 18 military personnel from different categories, who received medals for exemplary behaviour and medals for outstanding services.

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