Cape Verde Ocean Week takes place from 20 to 25 November

Cape Verde Ocean Week takes place from 20 to 25 November
Cape Verde Ocean Week takes place from 20 to 25 November

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The island of São Vicente hosts, from the 20th to the 25th of November, the 5th edition of Cabo Verde Ocean Week, under the motto “loving the sea”.

Cabo Verde Ocean Week is, for the Ministry of the Sea, an event of “national and international renown”, which has brought together, every year, several scientists, specialists in the most diverse matters related to the Sea and decision-makers.

It is composed of thematic panels on the economy and blue, workshops, sports and cultural activities, dealing with various topics of interest to the scientific community and the general public.

The aim is to celebrate the sea and its importance for the survival of humanity and the planet.

The program for this year’s edition will be announced on Monday, 24.

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