CPLP Labor Ministers in Lisbon with issues on work and social security on the agenda

CPLP Labor Ministers in Lisbon with issues on work and social security on the agenda
CPLP Labor Ministers in Lisbon with issues on work and social security on the agenda

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The ministers of Labor and Social Affairs of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries (CPLP) will meet next Friday, the 19th, in Lisbon, with several issues about work and social security on the agenda.

According to the CPLP Executive Secretariat office, the agenda for this first extraordinary meeting includes several topics, with emphasis on progress in implementing the CPLP Action Plans to Combat Child Labor and Labor Inspection.

Furthermore, ministers will discuss the proposal for a CPLP Strategic Plan related to labor and social issues, as well as a debate to clarify and finalize the Administrative Agreement for the Application of the CPLP Multilateral Social Security Convention.

Meanwhile, prior to the ministerial meeting, preparatory technical meetings are scheduled from today until the 18th, at the CPLP headquarters, in Lisbon, between the CPLP focal points for the Combat of Child Labor, for the Labor Inspection, for Labor and Social Affairs, as well as a specific meeting on the Implementation Agreement of the CPLP Multilateral Social Security Convention.

According to the same source, the need for this extraordinary meeting was identified during the XV Meeting of Ministers of Labor and Social Affairs, held in Benguela on May 18, 2023, so the work will be coordinated by the Minister of Public Administration, Labor and Social Security from Angola, Teresa Rodrigues Dias.

The delegations of the Member States to the 1st Extraordinary Meeting of Ministers of Labor and Social Affairs of the CPLP will be composed of the ministers and secretaries of State responsible for the Labor and Social Affairs sector of the organization (Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau, Guinea Equatorial, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe and East Timor) and by the focal points of the mentioned areas.

The opening session of the event is scheduled for 9:30 am (7:30 am in Cape Verde) and will be chaired by the Executive Secretary of the CPLP, Zacarias da Costa, in the presence of invited entities, such as representatives of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the International Social Security Association (AISS).

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