Creative economies can only develop if intellectual property rights and copyright are protected – PR

Creative economies can only develop if intellectual property rights and copyright are protected – PR
Creative economies can only develop if intellectual property rights and copyright are protected – PR

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The President of the Republic argued this Monday, in the City of Praia, that creative economies can only develop if intellectual property and copyright are protected.

José Maria Neves, who spoke to journalists after a visit to the Cabo Verdean Society of Music (SCM), stressed that in this particular the sustainable development can only be achieved if the institution manages the copyright has “much more power”.

“What is happening is that through SCM the creators are gaining power and having much better conditions to create and thus achieve, downstream, the development of creative economies,” he explained.

The Head of State assured that he is “absolutely open” to collaborate with SCM, stressing that they are partnerships of this nature the Presidency of the Republic wants to support and stimulate.

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