“Digital transformation in civil aviation is opening new horizons of innovation and opportunities” – Government

“Digital transformation in civil aviation is opening new horizons of innovation and opportunities” – Government
“Digital transformation in civil aviation is opening new horizons of innovation and opportunities” – Government

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The Secretary of State for the Digital Economy said this morning in Sal that the digital transformation in civil aviation is opening new horizons of innovation and opportunities.

Pedro Lopes, who is in Sal to preside over the opening of the conference “The new horizons of civil aviation through digital transformation”, in celebration of the 40th anniversary of Aeroportos e Segurança Aérea (ASA), recalled the most recent advances in applied digital technologies to civil aviation in order to take advantage of new horizons in this area.

“Digital transformation is not just about innovation and progress, it is also about responsibility and commitment. As we embrace the opportunities offered by digital technology, we must do so with a firm eye on a sustainable future in our industry, said the same source.

Hence considering it “an imperative” to keep safety, efficiency and sustainability at the center of everything, constantly looking for ways to “reduce the environmental footprint” and protect the environment for future generations.

Lopes declared that it is essential to recognize the “fundamental” role that civil aviation plays in the fabric of globalized society.

In Cape Verde, he continued, “a blessed nation, with a rich geographic and cultural diversity”, aviation is much more than means of transport, it is “a vital point” that connects the islands and communities around the world, facilitating exchange of people, ideas and resources that drive the nation’s progress and prosperity.

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