First hundred days of the first lady was to “awaken a spirit” of active citizenship in society

First hundred days of the first lady was to “awaken a spirit” of active citizenship in society
First hundred days of the first lady was to “awaken a spirit” of active citizenship in society

Africa-Press – Cape verde. Débora Katisa de Carvalho considered that the first hundred days as first lady was to “awaken a spirit” of active citizenship in Cabo Verdean society.

The first lady made these statements on the Sal Island where she is to witness the closing act of the training on sterilization and handling of dogs, promoted by the Civil Movement for Responsible Communities (MCCR) – in which she is one of the founding members – and by the local authority.

A hundred days after she took over the status of first lady, Débora Katisa Carvalho, understanding that the development of Cabo Verde also goes through an active society and citizenship, for this reason she sought in this period to “awaken this spirit” in Cabo Verdean society.

“Mobilize our partners, the citizen, the Cabo Verdean society, in order to change the attitude towards this citizenship we want to be active, more interventional, for the great designs that Cabo Verde has, from the outset, social solidarity, which with COVID-19 has become clear the social weaknesses we have in our society”, she said.

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