Infant mortality has decreased from 15 per thousand to 10 per thousand since 2017

Infant mortality has decreased from 15 per thousand to 10 per thousand since 2017
Infant mortality has decreased from 15 per thousand to 10 per thousand since 2017

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The infant mortality rate in Cape Verde dropped from 15 per thousand births in 2017 to 10 per thousand in 2022. The average maternal mortality is approximately five deaths per year, in the last six years.

According to the Deputy Secretary of State for the Minister of Health, Evandro Monteiro, the infant mortality rate in Cape Verde is one of the lowest on the African continent, having dropped from 15 per thousand births in 2017 to ten per thousand in 2022 .

“The prenatal coverage rate is above 90% in pregnant women, with an average of six consultations during pregnancy”, he specified, adding that more than 92% of deliveries are performed by health professionals and in structures of health.

vaccination schedule

According to the official, who was speaking to the press this Saturday, through the State budget the Government has ensured the entire legislated vaccination scheme, a challenge still present for many other realities.

They are, therefore, in his view, significant gains, reflections of an entire process and collective effort and the implementation of assertive public policies.

“We have also been reinforcing with better approaches and technical responses the main causes of death and mortality associated with the specificities and determinants linked to the epidemiological transition in Cape Verde”, he underlined.

Evandro Monteiro speaks on the sidelines of the V International Forum of the Association of Catholic Teachers of Cape Verde, under the motto “The dignity of Life: from conception to sunset”.

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