MpD deputies in Santo Antão, starting today, to assess the effects of the drought

MpD deputies in Santo Antão, starting today, to assess the effects of the drought
MpD deputies in Santo Antão, starting today, to assess the effects of the drought

Africa-Press – Cape verde. MpD deputies elected by Santo Antão are visiting the island, starting today, to assess the drought situation and the impact of investments to mitigate its effects.

The three-day visit, which begins in the municipality of Porto Novo, also aims to find out about the functioning of the institutions, the adhesion of Santantonenses to vaccination against covid-19 and assess the progress of the works within the scope of the requalification and accessibility program.

The parliamentarians of the Movement for Democracy (MpD) also intend to contact tourist and economic operators about financing programs for economic recovery.

Other projects

Porto Novo is the first municipality to receive a visit from parliamentarians from the party that maintains power, who this Sunday, in addition to finding out about the progress of urban requalification works, will also get to know the urban and peri-urban agriculture projects that are being implemented. in this county.

The visit to the fish market in the city of Porto Novo, which should start operating in June, and meetings with farmers in Casa de Meio and Ponte Sul, as well as the trip to Ribeira das Patas and Alto Mira are also on the agenda of the deputies. .

Paul and Ribeira Grande

On Monday, the elected nationals of the MpD will be visiting Paul, ending their trip to Santo Antão with a visit to the municipality of Ribeira Grande.

Santo Antão faces four consecutive years of drought, with 2022 being the most difficult of all, according to municipal authorities, who have been implementing a job creation program to mitigate its effects on the most affected families.

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