National airports and airfields register increased movement

National airports and airfields register increased movement
National airports and airfields register increased movement

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The number of planes, passengers and cargo at Cape Verde’s airports and airfields increased in January, compared to the same month in 2023, according to data from the Civil Aviation Agency (AAC) consulted today by Lusa.

According to the Cape Verdean regulator’s monthly statistical bulletin, in January a total of 2,708 aircraft passed through the country’s four international airports and three aerodromes, 12.3% more than in the first month of last year.

Passenger movement also increased, to 266,673, up 16.1% compared to January 2023.

The country started the year with a cargo movement at airports of 85,242 tons, 27.8% more compared to the same period last year.

Conversely, mail movement decreased in the period under analysis, to 33,369 tons (-2.7%), compared to January last year.

When compared to December 2023, passenger movement was the only one to increase (2.8%), while there were fewer planes (4.4%), cargo (16.5%) and mail (19.1%) in Cape Verdean airports and airfields.

The Government signed, on July 18, 2022, a public airport service concession contract to the French group Vinci, involving the management for 40 years of the archipelago’s four international airports and three aerodromes.

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