PAICV notes a lack of doctors and defends “urgent” construction of a health center in Achada Fazenda

PAICV notes a lack of doctors and defends “urgent” construction of a health center in Achada Fazenda
PAICV notes a lack of doctors and defends “urgent” construction of a health center in Achada Fazenda

Africa-Press – Cape verde. PAICV deputies for the Santiago Norte constituency noted, this Friday, 1st, the lack of doctors in the health structures of Santa Cruz and defended the “urgent” need to build a health center in Achada Fazenda.

This was confirmed by the spokesperson for the deputies elected on the lists of the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde (PAICV), Carlos Rodrigues, who was speaking to the press today, in Achada Fazenda, in Santa Cruz, after a visit to the local health post and other health structures that make up the Santiago Norte Health Region (RSSN), as part of the preparation for the debate with the Minister of Health, Filomena Gonçalves.

“We noticed a serious health situation in Santa Cruz that has to do with a lack of doctors and nurses. At the moment, we only have three doctors in the Health Center’s emergency department and two contract doctors who do not work in emergencies. This number of doctors for 25 thousand inhabitants is insufficient”, said the parliamentarian.

Among the concerns, he also pointed out the lack of specialist doctors, mainly in the areas of stomatology, urology and ophthalmology at the health center, and of medicines, especially basic ones such as Paracetamol, vitamin C and Metronidazole in private pharmacies in that municipality.

On the occasion, Carlos Rodrigues defended the construction of a health center in Achada Fazenda, to serve the southern zone of the municipality of Santa Cruz, with more than eight thousand inhabitants, noting that the local health structure is installed in an adapted and rented space .

On the other hand, he welcomed the “good partnership” that exists between the chamber and the health department in the fight against dengue, whose municipality has one confirmed case and five suspects, and also with actions developed, within the scope of World Dengue Day. Fight against AIDS, marked on December 1st.

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