PAICV Says the Government’S Foreign Policy is Adrift while Mpd Praises Progress

PAICV Says the Government'S Foreign Policy is Adrift while Mpd Praises Progress
PAICV Says the Government'S Foreign Policy is Adrift while Mpd Praises Progress

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The PAICV accused the Government of deviating from the fundamental principles that have always guided Cape Verde’s foreign policy, calling into question the country’s credibility on the international stage, and claiming that foreign policy is adrift. The MpD reinforced the importance of Cape Verdean diplomacy as an essential pillar for sustainable development and strengthening the country’s identity on the international stage, and praised recent achievements, global challenges and strategic goals of foreign policy.

Statements made today in the National Assembly during the debate with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cooperation and Regional Integration.

“Foreign relations are based on credibility and coherent positions. Unfortunately, this has not been the hallmark of the MpD Government, led by Prime Minister Ulisses Correia e Silva. This Government’s Foreign Policy is adrift,” said Francisco Pereira.

In his statement, the PAICV MP stated that since independence, Cape Verde has consolidated a diplomatic stance based on mutual respect, non-interference in internal affairs and strict respect for international law.

According to him, this basis has allowed the country to assert itself internationally, participating in organisations such as the UN, ECOWAS, CPLP and other multilateral spaces.

“We have witnessed a diplomacy devoid of strategic vision and patriotic sense. In recent times, there has been a clear break with the pragmatic principles of our external action”, criticised the MP.

Among the cases highlighted by the PAICV are the management of the visa exemption process for citizens of the European Union and the United Kingdom, the parliamentary approval of the SOFA agreement, and the candidacy for the presidency of ECOWAS.

“Who does not remember the diplomatic hecatomb with the appointment of the honorary consul in Florida? The country was faced with an unprecedented and complex situation”, he stated, referring to a foreign policy that, according to him, “was contaminated by far-right ideological sectors”.

The PAICV also criticized the recognition of the territorial integrity of the Kingdom of Morocco, which it considers a disrespect for the guidelines of the United Nations, and Cape Verde’s abstention in a UN resolution on the humanitarian corridor in the Gaza Strip.


In turn, the vice-president of the board of the parliamentary group of the MpD, Aniceto Barbosa, highlighted that, for the country, establishing innovative partnerships is essential and stressed the central role of multisectoral diplomacy aligned with constitutional principles.

“Partnerships that attract investment, boost the internationalization of companies, strengthen our diaspora and promote our cultural identity beyond borders”, he stated.

Aniceto Barbosa considered that Cape Verdean diplomacy has been recognised worldwide for the country’s political, institutional and social stability, as well as for its advances in freedom, democracy and transparency.

“Cape Verde’s ‘soft power’ has stood out in international rankings. We are the freest African country in the civil and political liberties index, the third in the democracy index, and the second in the economic freedom and transparency and corruption index”, he pointed out.

Among the recent advances, the MpD deputy mentioned the selection of Cape Verde for a new Millennium Challenge Corporation compact and the financial support of 319 million euros from the European Union through the Global Gateway programme.

He also referred to the strengthening of bilateral and multilateral relations, with strategic agreements that include the partnership with the European Union, the African Continental Free Trade Agreement and the CPLP Mobility Agreement, among others.

“Our diplomacy is at the service of Cape Verde, Africa and the world. We have contributed to the construction of a fairer international order and mitigated the impact of global crises,” he said.

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