Post-pandemic freedom drives South Africans outdoors in large numbers – global study

Post-pandemic freedom drives South Africans outdoors in large numbers - global study
Post-pandemic freedom drives South Africans outdoors in large numbers - global study

Africa-Press – Cape verde. In the aftermath of the grip of the Covid-19 pandemic, South Africa stands head-and-shoulders above other nations for its enthusiastic embrace of outdoor activities.

Recent findings from a Global Nature Survey, conducted by Corona, reveal that South Africans are spending more time in nature than any other country surveyed, including the UK, Canada, Brazil and China.

This surge in outdoor engagement reflects a profound shift in lifestyle habits, with South Africans seeking solace, relaxation and connection in the great outdoors.

The survey, aimed at understanding the factors driving outdoor activities across different nations, sheds light on the increasing importance of nature in people’s lives.

Globally, 92% of respondents prioritise spending time outdoors, with 64% explicitly valuing the experience of witnessing sunsets.

However, South Africans, along with Brazilians, stand out for their heightened appreciation of sunset moments, indicating a cultural affinity for nature’s beauty.

Corona, known for its commitment to promoting outdoor experiences, is one of the brands investing heavily in celebrating this trend.

The brand’s upcoming Corona Sunsets Festival World Tour, set to take place at The Glen Country Club in Clifton, Cape Town, on 6 April, underscores its dedication to fostering connections with nature.

This transformative event merges music, lifestyle and nature, inviting festivalgoers to bask in the beauty of sunsets and reconnect with themselves and others through shared experiences.

Melanie Nicholson, Corona’s head of brand, expresses excitement about the growing outdoor engagement among South Africans.

She said: “As a brand that firmly believes in the transformative power of nature, it’s inspiring to witness the increased outdoor engagement among South Africans.”

The Corona Sunsets Unwind, she believes, offers guests a unique opportunity to disconnect from the chaos of daily life and reconnect with their inner selves amid the beauty of nature.

Corona’s efforts to maintain the link between its brand identity and nature were also the focus of last year’s social experiment.

Partnering with 5FM, the brand surveyed listeners about their favourite sounds of nature for relaxation.

Ocean waves emerged as the top choice among South Africans, reaffirming the brand’s association with the soothing rhythms of the natural world.

In a world where urbanisation and technological advancements often disconnect us from nature, South Africans are leading the way in reclaiming their outdoor spaces.

Whether embracing the serenity of a sunset or revelling in the sound of ocean waves, there’s a palpable desire to reconnect with the earth and find solace in its beauty.

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