Africa-Press – Cape verde. The President of the Republic announced today a State tribute to Carlos Veiga, first head of the Government of the Second Republic. The distinction, which was supposed to take place this Monday, has been postponed, since Veiga is out of the country for health reasons.
The President of the Republic announced today a State tribute to Carlos Veiga, first head of the Government of the Second Republic. The distinction, which was supposed to take place this Monday, has been postponed, since Veiga is out of the country for health reasons.
The announcement was made by José Maria Neves during his speech at the solemn session to celebrate 13 January, Freedom and Democracy Day.
“I had scheduled a State tribute to Dr. Carlos Veiga at the President’s Palace for this afternoon, but unfortunately, being out of the country for health reasons, he was unable to travel to the city of Praia”, he stated.
“Dr. Carlos Veiga deserves to be distinguished as a champion of freedom and democracy for his thinking, his vision, his performance and his achievements. We have all followed his political and other positions, even when we disagree with them, within the framework of the loyal and necessary confrontation of ideas, the respect and cordiality of those who place him in the restricted circle of great national figures. Today, we must honour this man who has rendered such an important service to the State of Cape Verde, as Prime Minister, and protagonist of profound political, social and economic changes”, he added.
Carlos Alberto Wahnon de Carvalho Veiga was Prime Minister of Cape Verde between 3 April 1991 and 29 July 2000, being the first head of government elected through multi-party elections.
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