REMPE policyholders increase from 330 in 2015 to more than 25 thousand in 2023

REMPE policyholders increase from 330 in 2015 to more than 25 thousand in 2023
REMPE policyholders increase from 330 in 2015 to more than 25 thousand in 2023

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The number of insured people in the Special Regime for Micro and Small Businesses (REMPE) in Cape Verde increased from 330 in 2015 to 25,177 in 2023, of which 12,407 are women.

Information provided today by the National Director of State Revenue, Liza Vaz, during the public presentation of the Electronic Self-Invoicing System.

“We went from 330 REMPE policyholders in 2015 to 25,177 in 2023, of which 12,407 are women. Around 51.1% of the growth in INPS policyholders between 2015 and 2023 is due to REMPE”, he pointed out.

In this context, Vaz highlighted the importance of REMPE as a key driver of the growth of social security in the country.

In the same speech, Liza Vaz also addressed the issue of formalization and its positive impact on the economy.

“The formalization process broadens the tax base and contributes to tax justice. We have already registered around 44 thousand individuals and private companies with a Tax Identification Number, which attests that the modernization of the Cape Verdean Tax System is having a positive impact in formalization”, he pointed out.

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