Santo Antão: Orlando Delgado presented the Tarrafal stadium project again during the citizens’ protest

Santo Antão: Orlando Delgado presented the Tarrafal stadium project again during the citizens’ protest
Santo Antão: Orlando Delgado presented the Tarrafal stadium project again during the citizens’ protest

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The Mayor of Ribeira Grande, Orlando Delgado, presented again, on Wednesday, the 1st, the Municipal Stadium of Tarrafal project, during the residents protest.

Orlando Delgado explained that the Tarrafal stadium will serve Ribeira Grande and the way it was conceived can in the future contribute to the sport practice at “international level”.

“Today, we could have the machines already here for people to see what we’re going to do. We’re not going to run the project at once because we don’t have the resources to do it,” he said.

However, Orlando Delgado assured that he has already signed a contact with a company to first do the requalification and drainage of Tarrafal and then proceed with the works in the stadium.

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