São Nicolau/Tarrafal: José Freitas says municipality has achieved “several gains” despite the pandemic

São Nicolau/Tarrafal: José Freitas says municipality has achieved “several gains” despite the pandemic
São Nicolau/Tarrafal: José Freitas says municipality has achieved “several gains” despite the pandemic

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The Mayor of Tarrafal de São Nicolau said Wednesday the municipality has obtained “several gains” for its development, even in the context of a pandemic.

José Freitas, who spoke to Inforpress, on the sidelines of the Municipal Assembly session for consideration of the activity report and the 2021 management account, realized that the activities scheduled in the plan “have been almost fully met”, also taking into account “the various social support”, he said.

The Movement for Democracy bench’s leader (MpD, ruling party), Simoni Soares, for his part, admitted that the activity report and management account for the year 2021 “mirror the City Hall’s engagement” “in solving the problems of the municipality”.

For his part, the leader of the African Independence Party of Cabo Verde (PAICV, opposition party), Manuel Fernandes, stated that the documents submitted for consideration, “do not demonstrate the “social and local” impact of investments.

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