TACV and pilots without agreement try mediation

TACV and pilots without agreement try mediation
TACV and pilots without agreement try mediation

Africa-Press – Cape verde. Transportes Aéreos de Cabo Verde (TACV) and international flight pilots did not reach an agreement given the advance notice of strike, from April 25th to 29th, a union source said today.

According to the president of the National Union of Civil Aviation Pilots (SNPAC), Edmilson Aguiar, the workers and the state company did not understand each other on issues linked to operational safety, which are considered the most important among the demands of the class, so negotiations will be sent to mediation by the General Directorate of Labor, starting on Monday.

In a press conference on Thursday, the union leader said that the 32 pilots of the Cape Verdean public air company dispute the delays in processing salaries, the lack of a safety, health protection and hygiene program at work, a reduction subsidies and cancellation of medical appointments.

Furthermore, they complain about the company’s “intransigent stance, with continuous labor breaches and violations of current legislation”, in addition to failures to pay additional remuneration (such as flight allowances).

Edmilson Aguiar admitted that the strike could have “a significant impact” on the company’s operations, leading to the cancellation of international flights.

“Before Covid-19, TACV had 49 pilots and today it has 32. Last week, a colleague of ours ended up leaving the company because of these issues that we listed here”, he pointed out.

TACV admitted on Wednesday that the pilots’ strike could affect international flights.

“In order to minimize the impacts of a possible strike, the company makes available to all passengers with trips scheduled between the 25th and 29th of April, the possibility of changing the dates, at no additional cost”, indicated TACV.

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