Tarrafal: Neivo Araújo Calls for the Union of all Political Forces for the Development of the Municipality

Tarrafal: Neivo Araújo Calls for the Union of all Political Forces for the Development of the Municipality
Tarrafal: Neivo Araújo Calls for the Union of all Political Forces for the Development of the Municipality

Africa-Press – Cape verde. O presidente eleito nas eleções de 01 de Dezembro, que falava durante o acto tomada de posse, emphasized that the population of the municipality decided that both the Câmara Municipal como a Assemblyia Municipal devem ser three parties, com eleitos das três candidadas concorrentes.

“The people voted and decided that for the governance of the municipality, understandings, consensuses, team work between the elected MPD, the PAICV and the Independent Group are necessary, because a sufficient understanding is necessary to build a majority and govern well our município e essa é a nossa missão, comêçando desde já”, highlighted the newly-elected president.

Pelo que destacou vai “take advantage of the best of each of the two electoral programs of the three candidacies”, in order to have a joint program of governance for the interest and benefit of the entire population, emphasizing that for this “everyone has to know how to make concessions, pois esta é volda do povo”.

Para os próximos quatro anos, Neivo Araújo prometeu uma “forte aposta no mar, pescas e economia azul”, taking advantage, second o mesmo, das “mais-valias do Porto de São Nicolau, para dynamizar ainda mais o desenvolvimento e o crescimiento, que se quer equilibrado, ambiental e healthy”.

“Em partnership with the Government, we will put together an agenda that competes with a program of urban and environmental requalification of the city of Tarrafal and all the localities of our council. The spatial reconfiguration of the territories aims to turn the entire municipality into modern and attractive, competitive, inclusive, sustainable areas, including from an environmental and landscape point of view, prosperous, cohesive and autonomous, equipped with all accessibility and all public water networks. e electricidade”, accrescentou.

The new president of the city of Tarrafal promised to work together with the municipality of Ribeira Brava and propose to the Municipal Assembly that, on the 6th of December, the Day of São Nicolau, there will be a holiday on the whole island.

Por sua vez, the president of the Municipal Assembly, Balduino do Rosário, promised to introduce new communication and information technologies and the modernization of administrative processes, the digitalization of sessions.

The act was witnessed by the Minister of Culture and Creative Industries, Augusto Veiga, who participated in the distance.

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