“We have a flawed democracy, but one that is growing and tends to consolidate” – says Rui Semedo

“We have a flawed democracy, but one that is growing and tends to consolidate” – says Rui Semedo
“We have a flawed democracy, but one that is growing and tends to consolidate” – says Rui Semedo

Africa-Press – Cape verde. The president of the African Independence Party of Cape Verde (PAICV), Rui Semedo, said this Sunday, in Sao Salvador do Mundo, that Cape Verdean democracy “has flaws, but it is growing and tends to consolidate”.

The statement was made in declarations to the press, on the sidelines of a meeting with militants, held by the Regional Political Commission (CPR) of the PAICV in North of Santiago, where this political leader focused his intervention on February 19, 1990. A date referenced by that political force as the one that marks the opening to multi-partyism in Cape Verde.

According to the PAICV leader, who hailed from Sao Salvador do Mundo (Picos) on February 19, 1990, the day the country announced its political opening to multi-partyism, Cape Verde has “a democracy that is referred to as a democracy with flaws, but with the potential to grow and become a full democracy”.

“It was worth having opened the country to the multi-party regime. We have a flawed democracy, but one that is growing and tends to consolidate itself”, he concluded.

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