World Poetry Day: Wilma Vieira, the poet of the new generation of Cape Verdean literature

World Poetry Day: Wilma Vieira, the poet of the new generation of Cape Verdean literature
World Poetry Day: Wilma Vieira, the poet of the new generation of Cape Verdean literature

Africa-Press – Cape verde. At the age of 14, Wilma Vieira, a young woman from the city of Praia, living in Portugal, found in writing the inspiration for this “confused” phase of life. With poetry she even ventured to launch her first book entitled “Menina de Cor”. Today, aged 25, Wilma is part of the new generation of Cape Verdean literature. On this World Poetry Day she encourages other young people to embrace this art, “the salt that brings flavor to life”.

Wilma Vieira is a young poet, from the new generation of Cape Verdean literature. Born in the city of Praia, she discovered, as a teenager, the love of writing. And in this “confused life” phase, she decided to embrace poetry and make it her friend.

In an interview with A NAÇÃO online, Wilma says that it was precisely in March that she wrote her first poem, in an academic environment.

“It was a school assignment where we had to creatively define Peace. I chose to venture into poetry, and it worked. Between verses and rhymes there I went and never stopped. Sadly, I never found that poem again, but it was with it that I kicked off this world,” she recalls.

Venturing into this world since he was 14 years old, his poems are on different themes, transforming his experiences and everything that catches his attention into works of art.

“I like to write about my experiences and those of others, the loves and disappointments of life, stories of overcoming difficulties, the feminine world, the riches of nature, among other things. Sometimes I simply write, freely, without a theme, as a way to challenge my brain and, afterwards, I observe with admiration the work of art he built”, he explains.

sources of inspiration

Wilma says that in this world of poetry, her greatest inspiration is the need to write. Hence, she uses all the tools that life offers her to “carve on paper what dictates my soul”.

“I am very inspired by the stories that I hear, that I see and that I live. I am also inspired by people and special dates. Sometimes I just breathe out, doing my duty as a writer, even if I don’t feel like it,” she adds.

Having other dreams besides poetry, Wilma traveled to Porto, Portugal, at the age of 17, to continue her academic training, after having finished secondary education.

She graduated in Audiology from the Escola Superior de Saúde, but as expected, she did not leave literature aside, for her “a way of expressing her vision, of feeling and impacting the world… one person, at a time” .

To be a poet for this talented young woman is “to be a healing agent, first for yourself and then for the reader”.

It is also “having an extra pair of eyes to see beyond what is said and done and knowing how to extract beauty and authenticity from within oneself… is to have a commitment to humanity”, he says.

“Menina de Cor”, her first book

In 2021, Wilma fulfilled her dream of releasing her first poetry book, exactly 10 years since the day she started dreaming of being a writer.

The work entitled “Menina de Cor”, under the seal of the publisher Cordel de Praia, was released in Portugal and, recently, in Cape Verde.

“Releasing my first book was undoubtedly one of the best experiences of my life…the fulfillment of a teenage dream. Having reached this level gave me more motivation not to give up on the other dreams I have in life and to be an inspiration to other people”, says the young woman who, in 2021, participated in the anthology “Brisas de Primavera”, in the editions “ O Declamador” with 97 authors.

Desire to release more books

Asked if she has other writings in her drawer that she intends to compile into books, Wilma, who has participated in several initiatives about poetry on social networks, responds positively: “I keep writing. I am a believer that if I stop, I stop living and just exist. ‘Menina de Cor’ emerged like this, from a compilation of poems written loose like leaves in the wind in autumn. I have a very strong desire to write more books that talk about things that are on the verge of extinction, such as values ​​and principles”.

Therefore, he says that “for now” I do not plan to “abandon the poetry genre” – “In fact, I think that even if I venture into other literary genres, poetry will always be present”.

“Cape Verdean literature is rich and promising”

Wilma Vieira sees Cape Verdean literature as rich and promising, stressing that “we are very privileged for the past left to us by the authors who have crowned our history”.

“I am delighted to see how young writers/poets have risen up and made their talents known. Our language, culture and identity have been carried to many stops by the wings of our writers. My sincere wish is that none of this is lost,” she adds.

Embrace literature and poetry

For those who like to write, as much as she does, she encourages them to move “forward”.

“I know that sometimes it seems that writing/poetry is not valued as much as it should, but you will always find that group that you will identify with and that will motivate you. Don’t give up at the first hurdle. Explore your creativity and skills, this will even help maintain mental health that has been increasingly scarce”.

And taking into account the World Poetry Day celebrated today, March 21, Wilma Vieira is happy that this genre that she “loves” so much has a day where it is remembered. However, she says that for her the day poetry should be celebrated every day.

“Poetry, with or without rhyme, in prose or verse, is the salt that brings flavor to life. For many, it’s an outlet, like it is for me. It has already saved many lives from sameness. May the forces that fight to perpetuate this art never go extinct”, he concludes.

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