Information, Communication and Technology(ICT) Minister Savannah Maziya donates laptops worth R420,000.00 to St John Bosco High School.

Information, Communication and Technology(ICT) Minister Savannah Maziya donates laptops worth R420,000.00 to St John Bosco High School.
Information, Communication and Technology(ICT) Minister Savannah Maziya donates laptops worth R420,000.00 to St John Bosco High School.

Africa-Press – Eswatini. Savannah Maziya,the Minister of Information,Communication and Technology(ICT) has donated laptops worth four hundred and twenty thousand Rands(R420,000.00) to St John Bosco High School.

The Minister was accompanied by officials from the Eswatini Communications Commission(ESCCOM) when delivering the donation on Monday morning, she said the laptops will assist the school establish and strengthen its computer laboratory.

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