PRIME MINISTER: Thabani Nkomonye’s investigation report suggests that he was not killed by the police

PRIME MINISTER: Thabani Nkomonye’s investigation report suggests that he was not killed by the police
PRIME MINISTER: Thabani Nkomonye’s investigation report suggests that he was not killed by the police

Africa-Press – Eswatini. Prime Minister Cleopas Dlamini said a report by Senior Magistrate Nonhlanhla Dlamini concluded that Thabani Nkomonye was not killed by the police but died in a car accident.

Magistrate Dlamini was appointed by Mswati’s government to investigate the King’s police who allegedly killed the University of Eswatini law student.

Jeffery Shabalala, the then Army Commander revealed in an electronic evidence that Mswati was against the investigation.

Addressing the media during a press conference on Friday, the Prime Minister said the report has been released to the Nkomonye family to go through it.

“Since the death of Mr. Nkomonye generated a lot of public interest, Government found it fit to immediately announce the finalisation of the Report. What we did first was to meet the Nkomonye family and present the Report to them so that they can also have time to go through it together with their lawyers” said the PM.

Reached for comments, Colani Maseko, the President of the Swaziland National Union of Students(SNUS) maintained that Thabani Nkomonye was killed by the police.

“Thabani was killed by the police,as you are calling, we are in a meeting with the Student Union Executive, we will discuss these new developments and take a decision,” said the Students Union President.

Thabani Nkomonye’s body was found dumped at Nhlambeni on or around the 13th May 2021, the police had reported him missing while his car was hidden at Matsapha Police Station.

After being exposed, the police tried to conceal evidence as the matter attracted public interest.

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